Saturday, December 4, 2010

Airsoft Guns Canada Cheap

... The Living Nativity

I Bothies (Mountain cabins, but not only ...)

Official Website " MBA " voluntary association of Bothies Mountain

Tayside, the bothy with ghost ... more photos soon

They look like cottages scattered over the Scottish mountains for the use and consumption of the lucky owners, but no ...
you belong, to individuals, but are available to all ... just follow certain rules of etiquette.

I have already said that the Scots are great walkers, but also many tourists, including many Italians, like venture between the hills and mountains ... and often do not have want to come back to the hotel, but would gladly there to wake up in the morning, look out the window and enjoy views like these ... If you can do ... Let me explain how ...
I bothies to Glenbeg ... the stone on the right is the original building, the silver on the left is more modern and is managed by the MBA since 2000. If you are the only visitors can choose in which to sleep.

But what exactly is a bothy?

Imagine sleeping in a tent ... What's inside ... ? Nothing! Here ... games with this idea and take along everything you need ... then all you will find more welcome. Almost all these buildings have at least 100 years, so you can be almost sure to find a fireplace ... and if previous visitors have complied with the rules of "etiquette" you will have left a bit of wood ... otherwise you'll have to poke around in the neighborhood.

Kearvaig Bothy

Then there should be some platforms to sleep with your sleeping bag, and if you're lucky ... also chairs, a table, some pot, a sink ... but what about the bathroom, I can assure you nothing ...

Achnanclach (northwest)

Here is a map with some bothies ... even though the regulars of the mountain they know many other hidden, but does not reveal ... However if you are in mountain , or in remote areas , and arrive in front of a "refuge" where the door is not locked ... chances are that it is a bothy ...

White Laggan, south west
official web site often for advice on where to find the wood and if you feel that particular bothy is busy ... just like this on ... and always here, found the wood on the sides of the road.

Shenaval bothy - another bothy always busy ... In fact, someone had to "make do" with the curtain. In the background ... Beinn Dearg Mor

I Bothies managed by the association were kindly provided by the owners.
If you leave a trace of your visit to the Bothy Log-Book (book reviews) la cosa fa sicuramente piacere... anche se è solo per annotare la data della vostra visita...

Questo si trova in un posto idilliaco (le 3 foto sotto)...
"Guirdil Bothy" , sull'isola di Rum, dove d'inverno, se siete fortunati, è possibile vedere l'aurora boreale (foto sotto)
Qui potete vedere altre foto ed anche l'interno del bothy
Il bothy è l'edificio visibile nella foto...

Aurora Boreale vista dal bothy

Per non fare un post extralungo, ho pensato di dividerlo in due parti... Nella prossima vi illustrerò il codice del "Bon Ton" che i visitatori dovrebbero rispettare... nulla di eccezionale... basta un pò di buon senso, ma io l'ho trovato molto interessante...

...alla prossima


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