Sunday, December 26, 2010

After Ur Period Does Your Vargina Oepns Wide

There once was a witch ...

Maggie Wall
Line drawing 9.6kb
along a lonely lane bell Spain, near Dunning , a small village in Perthshire, is a mysterious monument dedicated to a "witch" ...
This disturbing memorial built to honor Maggie Wall is always considered an enigma, a puzzle of the seventeenth century. that many have tried to solve.
The place that once was part of the castle Duncrub, Rollo owned by the family, is a sad reminder of the persecution of witches who scored one of the darkest periods of Scottish history.

The unusual structure, 6 meters high, with the words "Maggie Wall was burned here in 1657 as a witch," has a Christian cross on top.

There is no other monument of its kind in Scotland ...

If we add that there is no document to speak nor to Maggie Wall, nor the process, it becomes even more mysterious, since the witch trials were recorded with name of poor ill-fated and often even reported the cost of materials used ... rope, wood, peat ...

Despite quest'alone mystery, Maggie has become a kind of heroine for the people, and visitors often stop here presents its compliments to the front, and leave gifts ... stuffed animals, coins, tea-lights, shells, feathers ... a bit of everything. Each year, the white lettering are repainted, but has never managed to find out who wrote it, nor who the mysterious visitor who occasionally leaves a wreath near the monument.

If you go here, maybe you like to rise up ...


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