I am back on the blog after a holiday with a series of reviews. Let's start with Heavy Rain.
When I speak of "art in video games" I often get angry because I look stupid in art what already is an art in itself. The truth is that we generally look for art that other art forms into what is a language comunicativo proprio dei videogiochi.
In questo contesto, se dovessi suggerire dei videogiochi che più si avvicinano all'arte cinematografica, quelli della Quantic Dream sarebbero in cima alla lista.
Fahrenheit, uscito qualche anno fa per le maggiori console e per pc, subì purtroppo una serie di ritardi causati da un continuo cambio della società distributrice e, quando finalmente l'Atari intervenne per portare il gioco sugli scaffali, obbligò la Quantic a ritmi serrati per chiudere il progetto il più velocemente possibile. Questo diede vita ad un gioco che, per quanto estremamente ben scritto, coinvolgente e con un'atmosfera letteralmente unica, soffriva di una narrazione troppo affrettata verso end, and thus was not appreciated by critics.
Heavy Rain, however, does not have the same problem. Sony has focused on this project very much and this allowed the Quantic have a huge amount of money and all the time in the world to complete the best game they could conceive. And they did. Making a game that, personally, has become one of my favorites.
The story is unique and very well written: a serial killer of children, known as "Origami Killer," is raging in the city and the player will lead to 4 different characters trying to discover the murderess and saving a baby which could become his next victim. But the main feature of the game is that it is extremely varied, depending on how you behave in the adventure, the story will suffer different activities leading to the final completely different from each other and closing in a different way each subplot. What makes it more attractive mechanism is that the game is designed not to have a real "game over". Even if a character dies you will have the opportunity to continue and conclude the story anyway.
And it is the story of this game's strong point: it is exciting, dramatic, will make you cry and laugh with people like no other game has ever done. I heard that New Line has bought the rights to make a movie. Do not watch it. Why would an insult to David Cage and Quantic and those of their excellent work. The film you have it already and it is this: do not miss it for any reason.
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