Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Fortis Watch Appraisal


inFamous is perhaps the best demonstration of how this generation of consoles has created a terrible tendency among reviewers from all over the world.
I ask you, before you continue reading, going to seek review of this game in any magazine or portal of your choice. Then read the box and the final overall grade. I would bet that you have read rate ranging from 7.5 to 9 out of 10. This is the vote that I expect a great game, well done, funny, original and deserves to be taken as an example to other games. inFamous unfortunately is not a game like that.
But first things first hand, as usual, by history.

The player takes control of Cole, courier citizen, carrying an equipment which does not know the nature, causes activation. The ensuing explosion blows away a few blocks of the city bringing with them hundreds of lives but at the same time, Cole gives paranormal powers: the ability to store and use electricity.
After this prelude is very similar to that of a Marvel comic, the player is on the control of the protagonist, a perfect superhero novice, must drive around the city fulfilling missions that will slowly lead to a better understanding of what really happened and to acquire new super powers to make its way more powerful to the most dangerous neighborhoods.

The first of the many problems that potentially destroy this game interesting is its history. Beyond this interesting prelude, then you lose the game by concatenating anonymous missions one after another, in which enemies of the player he does not know source 'nature of Cole are smitten by lightning, moving ever closer to "supervillains" so anonymous and banal as to be the most boring of their followers.
All this is topped by the personal stories of Cole that involve, in addition to the annoying and irritating protagonist, a best friend as well as damage to no avail (so that more time will kill you where you want to help) and a girlfriend so cliché as to yawn.
Add to that end so ridiculous even to beat the finale of Lost and you get a mixture devastating.

A groped to give flavor to this dish, sciapo, the Sucker Punch added a system of "moral" depending on how it will behave the player, Cole will become a good or bad alignment. This unfortunately, whether on paper sounds like a great idea, is really just another nail in the coffin in which to bury this product. In fact, the first thing you notice with your surprise is that the story continues in default and uniquely, regardless of alignment and that the choices to be made are so trivial as to laugh a child of primary school, not in front of any kind of moral dilemma (things like "I before a man who I blocked the road. I do: we speak or I kill him? "). Practically the choice of alignment will only serve to define what kinds of powers to unlock, if more aggressive or more defensive.

But hey, the story is not all right ? Right. For the game, as well as bored with the story we put it all to even bother with the missions are divided into primary, which will resolve almost all of them "go to point X and kill all those who are," and secondary that offer more variety but I am so so tired of repetitive pulling too (which you should review the fourth building on all sides in search of bugs to be disabled, you will vomit).

These defects add in a graphics engine that, while offering many beautiful pictures, is full of bugs and offers many horrible graphics glitches had not seen for at least 6 years, and a difficult game that can give highly variable life situations so simple follow-up by a difficulty absurd but equally artificial, and you'll get inFamous, one of the most overrated games of recent times.

But there is nothing you save? Yes, of course. Explore the city, climbing rooftops and using the powers to move around is beautiful, fluid and exciting, the city is very diverse and interesting goodies of the game offers. For example you will ever see you through the show, fan photos or call you asking for help.
If Sucker Punch had taken care to give the main aspects of the game that have given the same attention to secondary issues, perhaps this game deserved the high marks that has unjustly taken.

If you are in withdrawal of its free-roaming games, then take it into account. If not, try again: there is better around.


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