I can not believe what I'm about to write. Uwe Boll's latest film, the director who becomes trash anything that touches, finally made a beautiful movie. Caution: Do not talk about a movie like Postal, which is always nice but horrible when compared to the rest of his filmography. No, I speak just un film ben diretto, ben scritto e ben interpretato. Ma, andiamo con ordine...
Bill Williamson ha 23 anni, vive a casa dei genitori, lavora come meccanico sottopagato e non ha alcun futuro davanti. Finché non decide di costruirsi un armatura in kevlar, imbottirsi di armi ed esplosivo ed iniziare a camminare per la propria cittadina uccidendo tutti quelli che si trova di fronte.
Il film è violento, diretto, senza ironia, ne' sarcasmo. In alcune scene colpisce come un pugno, in altri ti fa quasi esaltare come un film d'azione. E riesce pure a riservarsi qualche colpo di scena.
Uwe Boll gira l'intero film con videocamera manuale maintaining an almost documentary style, thus making it even more realistic and heavy violence that is shown. In addition, the German filmmaker, in his last film, he chose to follow the path of improvisation actors giving only a trace and allowing them to invent their lines. This, added to the medium of actors - good, creates a flow of natural and well-interpreted dialogues that involve the spectator, mostly thanks to the excellent work of Brendan Fletcher.
Let's face it, we are unfortunately still far from films like Falling Down or Taxi Driver on the lines which is also this film. But Rampage can easily define the best film of Uwe Boll and a good movie taken on its own.
not know if I will ever in Italy, but if you have a way to retrieve a copy in the original language, do it. You will not regret.
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