Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Japenese Sushi Head Band

Rosmarinus officinalis
Ros marinus means sea dew, perhaps because the coastal marine habitat are the best for these plants, because officinalis herb has been used in the ancient pharmacies.
Description E 'is an evergreen shrub, much branched belong to the family of Labiatae. The stem is woody and the leaves small, thin, opposite, lance-shaped with the lower green-gray and the upper almost silvery. The flowers are grouped into terminal spikelets are enclosed in corolla light blue or white. The fruit is a small capsule.
A little 'history The Romans made the symbol of love and rosemary death, in fact, Horace said, "If you want to earn the esteem of the dead, their crowns port of rosemary and myrtle." However that was not used to flavor foods. It was used to flavor wine, that was just said 'wine rosemary' and how it happened for many herbs in the kitchen came through the way of medicine. In the fourteenth century, however, already are in use and, as a flavoring, appears to be widely used.
use in cooking in the kitchen is an herb widely used to flavor various dishes and dishes: roasts, stews, potato dishes, pies. It is used in liver pate with lamb, beef, rabbit, duck and goose. Excellent spolverizzato su pane e focacce. Comune nella cucina italiana ma di raro riscontro oltre confine.
Raccolta e conservazione Il rosmarino fiorisce da Marzo ad Ottobre, è largamente diffuso ma cresce spontaneamente lungo le coste del Mediterraneo preferendo posti ben soleggiati e con terreno sabbioso. Si usano le foglie, raccolte in piena estate e facendole essiccare rapidamente all'ombra. Si conservano poi in vasi di vetro. In erboristeria Vino aromatico contro l'esaurumento fisico:versate in un recipiente un lt di vino rosso di ottima qualità, aggiungendo 25 gr di foglie essiccate di rosmarino, 25 gr di foglie essiccate di salvia e 15 gr di miele. Scaldate il tutto a bagnomaria for 20 minutes, then let stand until completely cooled. Strain, pour into a bottle and just get a drink at every meal. Infusion for migraine: do marinate 30 g of rosemary leaves in a liter of boiling water, then filter and drink during the day.
The secret chef
The sprigs of rosemary are used to flavor oil and vinegar with excellent results. The maceration should last a few months


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