Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Bushnell Elite Tactical 1x32 Red

Oregano Rosemary Salvia

Origanum vulgare Origanum
a contraction of two Greek words oros and Ganos. Oros means "mountain", Ganos "striking beauty." It 'very aromatic herb found throughout Europa ed in molte varietà, tuttavia solo nelle regioni meridionali riesce ad acquistare piena ricchezza di profumo e a farsi aroma perfetto.
Descrizione E' un arbusto perenne, appartenente alla famiglia delle Labiate. Il fusto è alto 40-80 cm ed è piuttosto peloso, si arrossa verso la punta. Le foglie sono piccole , ovali, con la base allargata ed il margine intero o interrotto da qualche dentello; sono profumatissime. I fiorellini sono rossastri, qualche volta sono chiari e sono riuniti a mazzetti. Il frutto è una capsula scura. Un po' di storia Noto fin dall'antichità, l'origano ha avuto buon impiego nella cucina romana. Il suo uso è continuato anche nei following centuries, but mostly confined to the southern regions was used in medicine due to its penetrating aroma of environments as a disinfectant during outbreaks and in large braziers burned along with thyme and mint. The north slope of oregano is recent and, in fact, coincides with the spread of pizza.
use in the kitchen is used to flavor cooked or raw vegetables, cheese, tomato salads, pizzas, to preserve the stock, to preserve vegetables in oil and vinegar, sauces and digestive liqueurs. Collection and storage
Flowering occurs from June to September. It is used throughout the plant, but especially the flowering tops. The seedlings are harvested during the flowering and are dried in the shade, in a normal heat. We must avoid the sun disperse the effectiveness of the oil content. The plants must then be beaten to separate the flowers that are conserved in glass jars.
In herbal decoction against bronchial catarrh: pour 15 gr of flowering tops and leaves of oregano in half liter of water. Boil for 5 minutes and then filtrate.Decotto asthma: IFAT boil for 10 minutes in a liter of water 30 gr of flowering tops of oregano. Strain the liquid when it is warm, addolcitelo with honey and drink it throughout the day.
Il segreto dello chef :
Essiccato mantiene tutte le sue proprietà aromatiche ma va aggiunto a fine cottura.


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