Sunday, February 18, 2007

Clips Of Cruising Gays


Fauci: intermediate portion between the flap and a corolla tube. Fertile
: bearing, capable of forming flowers, fruits and seeds.
Flower: Apparatus leading reproductive organs of the plant. Its parts can be considered modified leaves: floral wrap (or perianth) is composed of sepals and petals, the male flower (androecium) is composed of stamens, the female (harem) of carpels: the set of the latter is the pistil.
Flower seen from above and floral diagram (scheme)
The organs of the flowers are always arranged in several concentric series whose sequence is recognizable by the "cross section" of the flower, this flower diagram. If they are not differentiated between sepals and petals are called the perianth tepals and called perigonium.
The perianth is usually divided, however, the calyx (green) and corolla (color). The cup is the number of elements of the outer perianth and consists of green sepals that can grow separate or connate In the first case the glass is said dialisepalo in the second gamosepalo. Flower
represented in section with free sepals and petals
The corolla with the petals as individual parts, is the number of elements of the inner perianth. The color of the petals, mood often sugary nectar secreted by (see) at their base and the scent of the flowers attract insects, thereby increasing pollination. As the sepals, petals can also be separate or connate and, respectively, is called the corolla or dialipetala gamopetala.
a. perianth simple (perigonium)
b. perianth with sepals and petals free
c. perianth petals and sepals connate
Inset below, in the perianth, one or more sets of stamens, which consist of a thin filament mostly supporting the apex of the anthers (or pollen sacs) that contain, in fact, the pollen (see) . The heart of the flower is the gynoecium (pistil) that consists of at least one carpel, but more often connate carpels that may be very different from each other. The pistil is divided into ovary, style and stigma (or stigmas). Flowers
discoidei - (flowers or tubule) - Flowers in the middle of the special head, characteristic of the species of the family of composite, in which the part is lacking or almost ligulata (eg, the "yellow" or central Chamomile Daisies).
marginal Flowers - Flowers more or less asymmetrical, often liguliformi the edge of heads with fiorni discoidei.
fistula - is said to stem leaves or hollow inside.
Fitton - Root with the primary vertical axis much more developed secondary roots (such as the edible part of carrot, or rather the same carrot is a taproot).
Leaf - laminar body of the drum (see) wires crossed by vessels (veins, nerves, ribs leaf) and rich in chlorophyll and, therefore, be green and make a metabolism (assimilation, photosynthesis) and the water balance, by transpiration. Thanks to Foric energy for the formation of organic substances such as carbohydrates (sugars), proteins and lipids (fats). The leaf type is made up of strip or foil leaf from the stem and base, which sometimes turns into the sheath (see) port or stipules (see) paired. The leaves sprout from one node cauline axis.
types of leaves depending on how they are combined axis cauline leaves are
pedunculated (or spicciolante): petiole with distinctly formed;
sessile: without a stalk;
date: with a piece of foil that is extends down along the stem;
amplessicauli: with the base of the lamina that surrounds the stem.
Depending on their position on the stem, the leaves are basal
: they are the base of the stem or directly on ground and they are many, they form a rosette (see);
opposite: if every leaf node, there are opposing each other;
if the next pair is rotated 90 ° from the previous year, then the leaves are said to be crossed;
verticillate: at each order are placed on the axis between caullinare or more leaves;
alternate: the leaves are arranged one per node and oriented alternately from either side.
A. Leaves opposite and crossed
B. Leaves alternate
According to the trend of the veins, the leaves are divided into parallelinervie, with many primary ribs which proceed roughly in parallel from base to apex and leaf retinervie: with one or more ribs primary branch from which secondary veins that form a network.
penninervie Among them are distinguished with a prime rib from which both sides come off the secondary veins and palminervie, with many primary ribs that radiate radiamente the end of the stalk.
According to the structure of the lamina, distinguish simple leaves and compound leaves: the leaf of the first is not broken, at least at the base, the second one is composed of several leaflets.
The leaves are simple or palmate type: with quotes arranged around a central point (much like the fingers of one hand);
pen with the tips placed on both sides of the median rib;
whole or undivided: without deep nicks or more teeth, serrated or crenate, lobed
: with indentations that are not reaching the middle of the lamina;
matches: nicks that come with almost half of the leaf or a semilembo;
seven: the external side that leaves away from the inner stalk;
pinnate: the leaflets arranged on both sides of the median rib;
imparipinnate: with unequal number of leaflets, that is, ending with a single leaf;
paripennate: with an even number of leaflets, that ending with a pair of leaflets;
bipinnate or pluripennate: with leaves or feathers, in turn, pinnate.
Basal leaves: lower leaves of the plant, placed on the ground or just above it.
bratteali Leaves: Leaves simple, mostly small, sometimes contribute to shaping the flower.
Culinary Leaves: Leaves on the stem inserted.
Leaves: The parts where you cut the hem of a leaf compost.
Graphing types of leaves
A. Leaf biternata
B. Leaf-picking
C. Terni Leaf bipinnate
D. Sinuata
E. Set
F. Reniform
H. Elliptical
G. Rhomboid
I. Sagittata
Photosynthesis - cf. Assimilation
Fruit - Product of the plant that is formed by the transformation of the ovary after fertilization, surrounds the seeds by protecting them until maturity and to particular structures may serve to spread. The simple fruits derived from a single ovary in the flower, while those compounds arise from a harem with several carpels, mostly with not increasing.
The fruit can still be divided into dehiscent, that spontaneously start to mature and spread the seeds and indehiscent, in which the wall of the fruit, called the pericarp, does not open and spread the seeds will remain partially or totally enclosed.
The structure of the fruit, however, also depends on the number and arrangement of the carpels, so there are many types of fruit. The main are shown in the drawing below:
types of fruit trees (or Caul) - Parte della pianta che porta le foglie ed i fiori e stabilisce il loro collegamento con le radici: contiene i vasi conduttori per l'acqua, i sali nutritizi e gli assimilati. Se non è legnoso è detto stelo (cfr.).


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