Monday, February 19, 2007

British Marriage Bureaus


La Salvia Comune è un piccolo arbusto sempreverde.
Le foglie semplici, feltrose al tatto, hanno un colore verde-grigiastro e un odore caratteristico.
I fiori violacei sono riuniti in infiorescenze e hanno il caratteristico aspetto asimmetrico proprio della famiglia delle Lamiacee .
La Salvia Comune è originaria del bacino the Mediterranean Sea and also in Italy can be found in the wild.

Use In The Kitchen
Salvia is used in cooking since ancient times.
Despite its Mediterranean origin, the presence of the sage to flavor meat of various kinds is well established for centuries in almost all the culinary traditions of ' Europe. Less common but rarely is its use for different types of food: pasta (tortellini well known to us and sage butter), cheese (eg some cheese with herbs), fried sage leaves and even soups. In the Middle East
sage is used to flavor the roast mutton . In herbal medicine

The very name of this plant is a witness of the virtues which the ancient Romans the acknowledged: In fact, salvia has the same root of the word and save the word salus (salvation, but also health).
In Roman sage had to be collected in a ritual particular, without the intervention of iron objects in white robe and bare feet and well washed.
Before and after the Romans, the Egyptians the medieval pharmacopoeia , sage was always highly respected herbalist in and not coincidentally Linnaeus gave it the name of the officinalis. The main
Indeed, the sage antiseptic effect and is also digestive and calming. Are assigned to other effects, but not all is harmony of views. In gardening

The flowers of the sage as well as the overall appearance of the plant have always been appreciated in gardening.
Salvia officinalis, like other species of the same kind, is therefore used as an ornamental plant . In cosmetics

salvia extract is an excellent fixative for perfumes.
toxicity City
Sage Salvia contains a ketone Overall, thujone, which can be toxic at high doses. This has implications both sull'uso culinario che su quello medicinale e spiega perché la salvia è stata usata come aroma ma non, per esempio, come insalata.
La normativa europea ha stabilito un limite massimo al contenuto di tuione nei cibi, che è di 25 mg/kg nel caso di cibi aromatizzati con la salvia. Negli Stati Uniti attualmente la legge fissa un tetto al contenuto di tuione, ma non è applicabile ai cibi preparati con la salvia.


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