botanical terminology GZ G
Gemma - Abbozzo di un nuovo asse vegetativo, costituito da tessuto embrionale, protetto durante la stagione avversa da foglie variamente trasformate. Può essere terminale, cioè all'estremità di fusti o rami, oppure ascellare, cioè situata all'ascella fogliare.
Ghiandole - Cellule od organi che secernono i prodotti del metabolismo. Questi sono spesso oli essenziali o resine, ma anche altre sostanze vischiose o mucillaggini. Se peduncolati, tali organi sono detto peli ghiandolari.
Hairless - Without hairs. Sheath leaf - Underside of a leaf (base and often also stalk) surround the drum. The
imparipinnate - cf. ill. Leaf
Inflorescence - Segment cauline with more flowers, no leaves or bracts. The ear is made up of flowers sessile (no stalk) that is inserted on the main axis: it can be short and thick or long and loose. Spikes are also the catkins, which are formed by unisexual flowers. (Eg kernel).
The cluster (or racemic) is composed of stalked flowers whose stems are not branching. The panicle is composed of a cluster where the secondary axes are placed on the main multifloral and often repeatedly branched. The umbrella
consists of flowers whose stems are almost equal in length and depart from the same point, often a shell surrounding the base of the pedicles, these rays, the umbrella. Not infrequently the umbrellas are made. The head is made up of numerous flowers that fit with short thick stalk or sessile at the end of the main axis.
The inflorescence Inflorescences mentioned so far have a main axis and are therefore called unbranched racemose (monopodial). The inflorescences, with many axes derived from each other, claim that their growth with a flower, are called selvages.
There are many other intermediate forms difficult to identify, eg., The corymb.
infructescence - All fruit from an inflorescence. Full
- cf. ill. Leaf internode
- Section of stem or branch between two consecutive nodes. L
Labiatae - It is said of corolla shape similar to that of the lips.
graphical representation of the Labiatae Labiatae
Lacinia - long narrow segment.
kale - ending the margin Lacinia, eg., The petals of many species of pink.
foil leaf (or leaf blade) - cf. Leaf
lanceolata - lance-shaped. See Leaf ligule
- Appendix Composite simulant flower petal of peripheral (eg, the white flowers of Daisies). Linear
- Body elongate, with parallel margins.
lobed - cf. Leaf
Lobo - Part of a petal or a leaf from limited incisions.
Megaforbieto - combining features of wetlands and shady, consisting of plants that normally grow rich herbaceous vegetation (literally means "large herbs).
monoecious - unisessuati plant with flowers, that is male or female, on the same stem. Unlike dioecious.
mucilage - substances produced by plants often with protective functions. Typically form layers that overlap and combine with the primitive walls of the plant.
mucronate - ending with the apex a bit tough.
veins, nerves leaf - Vases conductors ranging from the stem to the plate and serve the transport of water and substance cf. Leaf.
nectar - sugary liquid secreted by the plant, particularly in the flower, and sucking insects.
Nectars - tissues or glands that secrete nectar.
Nodes - Points of the stem where the leaves are inserted. O
Oblong - elongated, that is longer than wide.
Umbrella - cf. Inflorescence
Opposite - cf. Leaf
Oval ovata - cf. ill. Leaf
Ovary - organizations formed by the carpels, enclosing the ovules (see)
Ovule - female sex cells, contained in the ovary or carpel after fertilization changes in the seed (see).
PDA - cf. Corn Leaf
- cf. Inflorescence
Pappo - Tuft height or crown the fruit of some plants, made up of feathery hairs often notched or that make possible the spread by wind (eg, the "head" of the dandelion).
license - Disposition, or almost horizontal, branches chd form a right angle to the frame.
pedunculated - Equipped with an axle to support the flower or the fruit or leaf. It 's the opposite of sessile.
Peli - outgrowths of the epidermal cells of the plant. They differ in form and structure.
Pennati - cf. ill.
Leaf Perennial - plant that survives for many years, at least more than two.
perianth - cf. Flower
perigonium - cf.
Flower Petals - Flowers Plants (Angiospermae) - Body, which is normally devoid of chlorophyll and can synthesize organic compounds from inorganic substances. And 'generally articulated in the stem, often branched, that is directed toward the light and holds the largest possible assimilatory surfaces (leaves) and flowers, and in an underground root system, which serves to ancorarala to the ground and that in the case of plants land, also oversees the absorption of water. Depending on the life cycle, plants are divided into grasses and shrubs (or shrubs): the former may be annual or perennial, but flowering and fruiting once, then die, the latter living for several years, flowering and fruiting each year .
Graphics schematic representation of a schematic map
di una Pianta
Le piante legnose hanno fusti significati e vengono dette arbusti o alberi secondo l'assenza o la presenza evidente di un tronco.
Picciolo - Parte assile della foglia posta tra la lamina ed il ramo che la sostiene.
Pistillo - cfr. Fiore
Polline - L'insieme dei granuli pollinici che si formano in gran numero nelle sacche polliniche degli stami.
Prostrato - Fusto che si allunga sul terreno senza produrre radici.
Racemo - cfr. Infiorescenza
Radice - Organo atto a fissare la pianta al substrato e ad assorbire gli elementi allo stato di soluzione.
Reniforme - cfr. ill. Foglia
Rizoma - Fusto sotterraneo con funzione di organo di riserva. Può strisciare sulla superficie del terreno oppure, più frequently develops underground. Detach themselves from it vertically down the normal roots. Graphic representation of
Rizoma Rizoma
a. Gemma
bc bud scars of the new shoots that developed in previous years
d. Rosette leaves and roots
- It 's all the dense leaves on a much shortened barrel. S
Scape - Stem leafless (or as provided bracts) that holds the flowers and rises from a rosette of leaves.
Segments - Parties where a leaf is divided sect or compound.
Seed - Unit dissemination of Angiospermae (so these are the plants that make the flowers) that results from a transformation of a fertilized ovum and consists of a embryo and a nutritive tissue (parenchyma) surrounded by tegument. Sepals
- cf. Flower
Sericea - Covered with fine hairs and shiny.
Sessile - Without a stalk.
Spatula - cf. ill. Leaf
Species - the fundamental unit of plant and animal system. In a species are those individuals who have gathered in common with the other essential features, you can meet and have an areal fecondamene defined.
endemic species (or endemic) - Organisms that appear only in a well-defined region.
Spiga - cf. Inflorescence
Stamens - cf.
Flower Station - All the climatic and soil conditions (ie, nutritional) that allow the soil to a plant species di vivere, conservarsi e riprodursi in un determinato ambiente.
Stelo - Fusto epigeo non legnoso formato da segmenti (detti internodi) collegati da nodi sovente ispessiti.
Stipole - Appendici fogliacee sessili, per lo più piccole, che si sviluppano a coppie all'intersezione fogliare di molte piante.
Stolone - Ramo laterale strisciante che ai nodi emette radici e germogli, provvedendo così alla riproduzione vegetativa della pianta.
Stolone Strisciante - Ramo che aderisce al terreno emettendo radici.
Tepali - cfr. Fiore
Terminale - Organo situato all'estremità di un altro.
Tormentoso - Coperto di lunghi peli cotonosi, morbidi e folti.
Unisessuale, unisessuato - Fiore che presenta soltanto organi sessuali maschili o femminili. Gli organi sessuali mancanti si trovano in altri fiori: se questi sono sulla stessa pianta, questa si dice monoica; se sono su individui diversi, la pianta è dioica.
Verticillate: cfr. Foglia
Zone vegetazionali - La vegetazione italiana può essere divisa, molto sommariamente, nelle seguenti zone:
Mediterranea: dalla riva del mare fin dove cresce l'Ulivo (fino a 800mt.);
Padana: la pianura fino a circa 300 mt.
Submontana: in cui crescono la Quercia ed il Castagno (300-1.000 mt.);
Montana: in cui crescono il Faggio e le Conifere (fino a 1.500-1.800 mt., nelle nostre zone);
Subalpina: caratterizzata da boschi naturali di Conifere (fino a circa 2.000 mt nelle Alpi Meridionali);
Alpina: al di sopra del limite arboreo, giunge a quote comprese tra 2.200 e 3.000m