Before I talk about this series I waited patiently for the American remake came out, so that we can make a comment unified.
The idea of \u200b\u200bthis series was created four years ago by Toby Whitehouse, a young English author who also designed the successful series of No Angels, made a broadcast on Channel 4 for 3 seasons but unpublished in Italy. The characters in Being Human are among young people in their thirties, two men and a woman, that they live in an apartment together and share their adventures. But what i still have not said is that the three boys are a vampire, a werewolf and a ghost who, for one reason or another, trying to live as human beings, by managing their "special conditions".
If you think that with such a premise, the series risks of ending up looking like the Twilight saga, let me reassure you: the authors of the series show a great respect for both the topics that the mythology of the genre. So Mitchell, the vampire hero, not a beefy shimmer that attracts the girls, but a man tormented by the weight of immortality and a sense of guilt for the killings for food, in the constant attempt to remain "human" while all around him his fellow men behave like beasts, bloodthirsty and power. George, the character in my opinion, better written, is an insecure boy, who control the island for lycanthropy, that he lives as a curse, as malattia che lo rende pericoloso e diverso dal resto del mondo. Infine Annie, fantasma incapace di accettare la fine della propria esistenza e costretta ad infestare la casa in cui è morta, in attesa di una risoluzione della propria vita.
Un applauso particolare va fatto ai tre attori protagonisti che non solo svolgono il loro lavoro perfettamente, ma regalano una profondità ed un realismo incredibile ai personaggi, aiutati anche dalle ottime sceneggiature, perennemente in bilico tra horror, commedia e dramma.
Una serie quindi che consiglio assolutamente a chiunque. Da non lasciarsi fuggire.
Two notes from the van made regarding Canadian-American version, produced and broadcast by Channel Syfy few days and on the Italian version, broadcast by Mediaset.
We start from the sore, the Italian localization. Like almost any product imported and localized by Mediaset, including Being Human is treated acceptable but not brilliant, with some translation error which prevents me from then to advise the Italian version. Try, if you can, to recover and watch the episodes in their original language: you will not regret.
As regards the American series, I do not know if even that will never be imported but for the moment is an adaptation, but acceptable, as it was conceivable from the beginning, totally unnecessary. The strange idea to start the series with a pilot or copying the original British pilot, but instead of copying the first British rider, what led to refinements and changes in history and that is not part of the original fee. Perhaps to avoid sounding too trivial? Mah .. For the moment however there is only the pilot, then I reserve the option to change the assessment in the future, after seeing the other episodes.
the next.
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