Se siete convinti come me che i castelli abbiano un'anima... che gli echi del passato parlino attraverso le spesse mura... non limitatevi a visitare solo castelli affollati... allontanatevi ogni tanto dai soliti tragitti segnalati nelle guide turistiche, magari anche solo di pochi chilometri... Avventuratevi verso quelli più nascosti, solitari, avvolti nella magica e selvaggia brughiera scozzese... ne resterete piacevolmente sorpresi!
Oggi voglio parlarvi di...
Incantevole in qualsiasi stagione...
E la location è da favola!
(a pochi km da Stirling, nel Clackmannanshire)
Castle Campbell
Conosciuto anche come (ex) Castle Gloom (Castello delle Tenebre)... certo with a name like that, imagine a place suitable for horror movies, but no ... is a spectacular place .... and I think this name gave him a nice mystique ... but in 1465, on the occasion of a marriage, it became the property of the Clan Campbell, and was later renamed Castle Campbell ... This powerful Scottish clan lived there for nearly 200 years, until the castle was heavily damaged by a fire, and left him.
now belongs to the Historic Scotland, an entity that protects and preserves most of the artistic and cultural heritage of Scotland.
The view from the castle to the country ... green in the foreground is a corner of the gardens of the castle - click to see that fairytale place ...
Castle Campbell is above the lovely town of Dollar, in a very dominant position ... perched on the Ochil Hills (Ochil Hills), surrounded by deep ravines and gorges, and flanked on either side by two streams, Care and Sorrow which descend to the country.
Then, if you like walking, after visiting the castle, you can still go on to the moor ... you seem to have been catapulted into the historical background of Windows XP! And if you reach the top, the view is spectacular!
But a word of warning ... if you have walked a long time and feel very tired, not Lie in the grass near the "Maiden's Well" (Well of the Maid), because legend has it that he who falls asleep does not wake up there more ... never again!
Castle Campbell
To get to the castle , you leave the car in one of two parking lots, and you walk the last stretch ... Well, yes ... the castles to be conquered!
Salendo, all'improvviso da dietro una curva, appare come per incanto il castello...
La baita delle coccinelle(sopra)
Qualche immagine dell'interno della casatorre
Se vi sentite avventurosi, invece della strada principale, ci sono dei sentieri nel bosco che potete seguire (ingresso a fianco del Dollar Museum).
If you click on the picture, you'll see on the map is the main road signposted with parking (right), who trails in the woods (left).
these will take you ...
trees ...
and sheep ...
... the guardian winter
... the last part
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