Friday, January 28, 2011

Pokemon Deluge Computer Battle

Being Human

Before I talk about this series I waited patiently for the American remake came out, so that we can make a comment unified.
The idea of \u200b\u200bthis series was created four years ago by Toby Whitehouse, a young English author who also designed the successful series of No Angels, made a broadcast on Channel 4 for 3 seasons but unpublished in Italy. The characters in Being Human are among young people in their thirties, two men and a woman, that they live in an apartment together and share their adventures. But what i still have not said is that the three boys are a vampire, a werewolf and a ghost who, for one reason or another, trying to live as human beings, by managing their "special conditions".

If you think that with such a premise, the series risks of ending up looking like the Twilight saga, let me reassure you: the authors of the series show a great respect for both the topics that the mythology of the genre. So Mitchell, the vampire hero, not a beefy shimmer that attracts the girls, but a man tormented by the weight of immortality and a sense of guilt for the killings for food, in the constant attempt to remain "human" while all around him his fellow men behave like beasts, bloodthirsty and power. George, the character in my opinion, better written, is an insecure boy, who control the island for lycanthropy, that he lives as a curse, as malattia che lo rende pericoloso e diverso dal resto del mondo. Infine Annie, fantasma incapace di accettare la fine della propria esistenza e costretta ad infestare la casa in cui è morta, in attesa di una risoluzione della propria vita.

Un applauso particolare va fatto ai tre attori protagonisti che non solo svolgono il loro lavoro perfettamente, ma regalano una profondità ed un realismo incredibile ai personaggi, aiutati anche dalle ottime sceneggiature, perennemente in bilico tra horror, commedia e dramma.
Una serie quindi che consiglio assolutamente a chiunque. Da non lasciarsi fuggire.

Two notes from the van made regarding Canadian-American version, produced and broadcast by Channel Syfy few days and on the Italian version, broadcast by Mediaset.
We start from the sore, the Italian localization. Like almost any product imported and localized by Mediaset, including Being Human is treated acceptable but not brilliant, with some translation error which prevents me from then to advise the Italian version. Try, if you can, to recover and watch the episodes in their original language: you will not regret.
As regards the American series, I do not know if even that will never be imported but for the moment is an adaptation, but acceptable, as it was conceivable from the beginning, totally unnecessary. The strange idea to start the series with a pilot or copying the original British pilot, but instead of copying the first British rider, what led to refinements and changes in history and that is not part of the original fee. Perhaps to avoid sounding too trivial? Mah .. For the moment however there is only the pilot, then I reserve the option to change the assessment in the future, after seeing the other episodes.

the next.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Gay Cruising Los Angeles Outdoor

Yomi e Puzzle Strike

Two mini-reviews in one to two games that I discovered recently on the advice of a friend. Both published by the young Sirlin Games, the two games are different but complementary, since the titles of the same setting but generally very different.

Yomi simulates a meeting on the fighting genre of video games to Street Fighter. Two players with a deck of cards each, face each game attacks, sockets, parries and dodges in an attempt to land the opponent.
The game has an extremely simple, you learn in frettissima and still managed to simulate a enormity of the classic fighting game elements such as combo, combo breaker, knockdowns, special moves and finishers from "load" before you can use to create a gaming experience, however complex and varied. This, combined with the fact that the game contains 10 custom decks for the 10 playable characters, each with advantages and disadvantages and special skills that make the strategy is always different, Yomi is a very interesting game and I recommend to everyone.

Puzzle Strike instead it is a game that simulates a video game to Puzzle Fighter. The characters are the same as Yomi, but this time the players (from 2 to 4) will not have to fight with combos and taken, but the mix and throw each other falling gems in their dashboard in order to clog the planks opponents.
The game has a slightly more complex mechanical Yomi and more similar to another modern classic of board games: Dominion. Players will in fact increase their deck of cards, take on the bank "common" each turn, and then devising a strategy based on acquisitions and future behavior of adversaries.
Also this game promises great longevity among the 10 characters each with special abilities to add to the deck and the fact that the "common base" is generated randomly at the beginning of each game by selecting only a portion of the cards available, the variety of game is huge. Another game so much that I recommend.

An attention should be given to materials of both games: I personally have purchased versions "Print and Play" are available in PDF on the site of Sirlin Games for a very affordable price, then all my "equipment" cards are only made by me. But if you are willing to spend more, you can get really beautiful Deluxe versions: Yomi has plastic cards that resemble in quality professional poker cards, while cards but did not strike Puzzle pieces of wood round each player takes a own canvas bag.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Where To Groom Pokemon Emerald

Wedding Celtic in Scotland ...

The Handfasting (first part)

few years, the handfasting marriage ceremony is a recognized legally in Scotland. It literally means ... tie the hands!

The first examples of this type of ceremony dates back to 1200, and are based on ancient traditions and rituals of Celtic origin ...

The Handfasting is valid to all intents and purposes like marriage in a civil ceremony. You are applying to the municipality, which issues the Certificate of Consent to Civil Marriage, and then returns to the municipality signed by the couple, witnesses and the celebrant within three days of marriage, which has to be valid. Many couples, both the UK and abroad come here to Scotland to marry well.

In the movie Braveheart, William Wallace (Mel Gibson) and his love Murron were married in a similar ceremony.

The marriage customs of the Celtic were simple and full of meaning. The marriage took place in the nature that was considered sacred to the Celts ... trees, rocks, water and the sun had their own soul and the sacred place par excellence was the forest. Often it was where the Celts were blessed their union ...

handfast by the fountain

And even today the handfasting ceremonies usually take place outdoors (weather permitting Scotland), in the woods, the heath, near the ruins of a castle or abbey, and for fans ... in the sea.

The Giant Sequoias in Botanical Garden Edinburgh

Two neo sposi ancora "legati" ascoltano un po' di musica dopo la cerimonia

Ma anche per chi desidera sposarsi al coperto, ci sono molti luoghi suggestivi tra cui scegliere... uno bellissimo è Doune Castle (dedicherò un post al più presto a questo bellissimo castle), che ha diverse sale dove è possible eseguire la cerimonia... la più raccolta è sicuramente la cucina antica... qui sotto

Doune Castle

Non c'è un programma fisso da seguire, perciò, sono le nozze ideali per chi vuole sposarsi in maniera personalizzata. Coppie che decidano di sposarsi così sono spesso pagan, but many are simply people who love nature and / or atheist who do not want a conventional marriage in church, and maybe something more personalized and meaningful civil ceremony at the municipality.

tapes for Celtic tie the wrists ...

At some point in the ceremony at the hands of future / newlyweds are tied with rope or tape, a gesture that signifies the couple's union. The tape may be wound up tied at any time, either immediately after the ceremony in the evening.

Tying the knot with tartan ribbons
Ribbon "Plaid"

If one or both spouses are Scottish, often the tape used to tie the hands of their tartan and colors ... each family (clan) Scotland has one with its own colors.

custom for the whiskers is to melt the gold objects belonging to the parents, grandparents and so on. Maybe objects are no longer usable, and be done with that gold in the whiskers Celtic style, possibly as those above.

-rings, as well as best man for a married couple ...

The Celtic harp, with its beautiful and romantic music, is a high demand for this type of ceremony ...

At the end of the ceremony often follows the ancient custom of jumping with a broom (like that of witches). The broom, which is placed on the ground, symbolizes the house, and jump start toward a new life together. Some people use a broom instead of a branch.

From the fifteenth century. it is customary to toast with the traditional Quaich, also called the Cup of Love. It 's a cup with two handles, often engraved with Celtic designs. The bride and groom drink from both same cup ... tradition says that it is whiskey, but often uses champagne ... and who is a teetotaler ... even mineral water!
The Quaich (cup) will then be passed down from generation to generation, to bring happiness and luck to all those who will use it to celebrate your marriage. It is also used for marriages and baptisms in the church.

During the wedding dinner ...

Finished Bride's Cross, still green
The cross of Saint Brigid

... some busy invited to make their cross

The term Scottish bride "bride" ... a Celtic word that literally means "Bridget," which is a Celtic goddess, a venerated saint of Ireland. During lunch, there are those who organize demonstrations of how to make the cross of St. Bridget with strands of cane, then to take home, full of positive energy of marriage. It 's a Celtic symbol of protection of the house.

... and there are those who would rather listen to the Storyteller tells whereas legends Scottish and customs ...

...e chi invece balla

Eilean Donan Castle, photo: Rapture Photography

Fine della prima parte...

List Of Models Similar To Denise Milani

Splinter Cell Conviction

I am back on the blog after a break with a series of reviews. Let's start with this fifth chapter the Splinter Cell franchise, which I'm finishing at this time. I confess I have always loved the genre of stealth games: explore carefully places in search of dark corners where you crouch and then attack the enemy from behind, watch out at the slightest noise to a minimum and unexpected motion, carefully study the map and enemies to search the best strategies ... the stealth-game are, in my view, a combination of action and strategic game, two categories of game I love. Of course, as a fan of the genre, I have always appreciated the virtual world of Sam Fisher and I was curious to see this new chapter of Ubisoft announced as a revolution in the saga. Well, the revolution is for sure, unfortunately But not positive.

The game in fact part of many changes in the motor changes that push the game more and more toward a philosophy far more "action". To begin
say goodbye to any peaceful strategy: if the first Ubisoft gave us the choice between killing the guards or simply knock, Conviction in killing them all is the only choice unless you become invisible and be able to avoid them.
not all. Do you remember the annoying but realistic requirement of having to hide all the bodies of the agents removed or stunned, failing to trigger an alarm and be discovered? Beh, non dovrete più preoccuparvi, perché in questo capitolo non solo potrete lasciare mucchi di cadaveri in giro senza problemi, ma sarete obbligati a farlo dato che è stata rimossa la possibilità di spostare i corpi dei nemici. Quindi immaginate di essere in una stanza piena di nemici: volete superarli senza fare rumore ma uno di questi, solo uno, è proprio in mezzo a dove dovete passare. Negli episodi precedenti avreste semplicemente atteso il momento migliore, ucciso il tipo, spostato il corpo nell’ombra per poi attraversare la stanza in pace. Ora invece dopo aver ammazzato il tipo questi cadrà dove si trova in bella mostra allertando tutte le guardie e costringendovi ad uno scontro a fuoco.
Ma le mancanze non si fermano qui. Potete dire addio al graduale sistema di illuminazione a cui ci avevano abituati i titoli precedenti della saga. Conviction opta per un ridicolo ed irrealistico sistema “binario” per cui o si è visibilissimi o si è completamente invisibili.  Quindi preparatevi a situazioni in cui, da completamente nascosti nel buio diventate visibili come una luce al neon solo per esservi affacciati da una porta.
Dimenticatevi anche tutta l’atmosfera da “infiltrazione” alimentata da azioni come l’hacking di computer, lo scassinare serrature, l’aprire lentamente porte e finestre per non fare rumore, l’interrogare guardie nascosti nell’ombra. Ora Sam Fisher butta giù porte a calci, interrogates enemy agents grated their faces against the wall screaming and throws grenades at the enemy.

In conclusion therefore, strongly discouraged the new Splinter Cell If you like stealth or reviving previous episodes of the saga recuperatevi Thief. I assure you that are a thousand times better than this crap.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

How Much Does An Average Weave Cost

Castles have a soul ...

Se siete convinti come me che i castelli abbiano un'anima... che gli echi del passato parlino attraverso le spesse mura... non limitatevi a visitare solo castelli affollati... allontanatevi ogni tanto dai soliti tragitti segnalati nelle guide turistiche, magari anche solo di pochi chilometri... Avventuratevi verso quelli più nascosti, solitari, avvolti nella magica e selvaggia brughiera scozzese... ne resterete piacevolmente sorpresi!

Oggi voglio parlarvi di...

Incantevole in qualsiasi stagione...

E la location è da favola!
(a pochi km da Stirling, nel Clackmannanshire)

Castle Campbell

Conosciuto anche come (ex) Castle Gloom (Castello delle Tenebre)... certo with a name like that, imagine a place suitable for horror movies, but no ... is a spectacular place .... and I think this name gave him a nice mystique ... but in 1465, on the occasion of a marriage, it became the property of the Clan Campbell, and was later renamed Castle Campbell ... This powerful Scottish clan lived there for nearly 200 years, until the castle was heavily damaged by a fire, and left him.
now belongs to the Historic Scotland, an entity that protects and preserves most of the artistic and cultural heritage of Scotland.

The view from the castle to the country ... green in the foreground is a corner of the gardens of the castle - click to see that fairytale place ...

Castle Campbell is above the lovely town of Dollar, in a very dominant position ... perched on the Ochil Hills (Ochil Hills), surrounded by deep ravines and gorges, and flanked on either side by two streams, Care and Sorrow which descend to the country.

Then, if you like walking, after visiting the castle, you can still go on to the moor ... you seem to have been catapulted into the historical background of Windows XP! And if you reach the top, the view is spectacular!
But a word of warning ... if you have walked a long time and feel very tired, not Lie in the grass near the "Maiden's Well" (Well of the Maid), because legend has it that he who falls asleep does not wake up there more ... never again!

Castle Campbell

To get to the castle , you leave the car in one of two parking lots, and you walk the last stretch ... Well, yes ... the castles to be conquered!
Salendo, all'improvviso da dietro una curva, appare come per incanto il castello...

La baita delle coccinelle(sopra)

Qualche immagine dell'interno della casatorre

Se vi sentite avventurosi, invece della strada principale, ci sono dei sentieri nel bosco che potete seguire (ingresso a fianco del Dollar Museum).
If you click on the picture, you'll see on the map is the main road signposted with parking (right), who trails in the woods (left).

these will take you ...

trees ...


waterfalls ... Flickr Photos

and sheep ...
... the guardian winter

... the last part

There are also those who choose to get married ...
for Celtic wedding ...

... that modern
The launch of the bouquet ...

Enjoy your visit!

Monday, January 10, 2011

During Period Week Dark Mucus Only

Tags: Friendship ...

Hello everyone ... After a few days of absence ... Case work, days spent outdoors, volunteering at the shelter ... I'm back here on the blog, ready to go ...

... but before you start the post with Scotland, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your wonderful virtual friendship that keeps me company every day both here and in your blog ...

And I want to do with the photos ...


_47092892_cheekyhorse-1.jpg picture by mariabei
animal lovers ... Dogs, Cats & Co. who devote more space to these treasures on their blog ...

the creative, that make me run out of words at the marvels that make with their hands ...

A quelli che mi incantano con le loro frasi, poesie e libri...
"La Libertà è (una) cosa nobile"
Citazione di John Barbour, poeta scozzese (XIV sec.) Si trova vicino al Museo degli Scrittori, Edimburgo

A quelli che scrivono un pò di tutto , e forse per questo mi vengono in mente nei momenti più disparati...

Ai Folletti, Streghe buone ed altre Creature fatate... per le loro lezioni di vita ... ( Glen Crenan - Ponte delle fate)

A quelli che sembrano davvero stare alla porta accanto e dove ogni tanto vorrei bussare e farmi offrire una tazza di tè...

A quelli che si iscrivono al blog e di cui non perderei per nulla al mondo neanche uno dei loro post , ma ahimè, purtroppo sul mio blog non hanno più lasciato traccia...

A quelli che mi conquistano con le loro bontà culinarie...

A quelli che mi fanno conoscere nuovi mondi da visitare...

A quelli che catturano la mia attenzione con la loro intelligenza, comicità, dolcezza, inventiva, foto...

Ancora... a quelli che lasciano sempre un commento... anche se è solo un saluto perché non hanno neanche il tempo di leggere il post... a me significa molto.

A quelli che esagerano con i complimenti ... E chi vi può ringraziare!

Those taking a break, which always seems to me luuuuungo too ...

... and finally

... To those who live in Scotland, we were on vacation, others with the ticket ready, and those who hope one day to go ...

So all of you who make me smile, laugh and sometimes cry ...