Sometimes I happen to watch a video program or a program that deals with politics or events where you and forming a political clash. When, in these programs, I feel the representative of the pdl some shit rave nonsense in defense of an indefensible this concept does not make me nervous because I expected. What makes me feel rather nervous and the audience applaud. So I inaugurate with this post, comments on the video where similar things happen. Whenever possible I'll give you my comment. I wish that one day, someone who represents me to be present in those transmissions to say these things to the people cheering. Sin that for the moment no one represents me.
The video now is this: Listen to the first 3 minutes then go back and read.
Now, what escapes Sgarbi and people shouting "Freedom! Freedom!" in the audience are three simple concepts that I am going to explain below.
1. Beauty is not a problem. If a woman or anyone else wants to do successful exploitation of its natural endowments, that is fine for her / him. No one can criticize a woman who uses her beauty to modeling, just as no one can criticize a man who uses his height to make the basketball player basketball.
But if a woman does not use only the beauty but also its ability to obtain sexual favors and money then it is a professional prostitute and child prostitution and exploitation of prostitution, in Italy, are crimes. Therefore, we clarify the difference: on the one hand there is a beautiful woman who uses her charm to work, the other a woman who does the work for blowjobs. Do not equate things that have nothing to do shit with each other.
2. The samples were brought De Filippi, Loren and Fenech. What are two actresses and a TV presenter. Then three people working in the entertainment world, a world where beauty counts and can be a determining factor. No one can criticize a TV producer who decides to take a girl to do a minor part in a TV series using as a yardstick the beauty of the girl herself.
But if a politician is making a political career for women because "fine" then pisses me off. Because when she is elected, is no longer paid by the policy that has launched, but is paid by me and by you through our taxes. So perhaps Sgarbi appreciates that a politician is incompetent but good-looking, but I did not. I prefer someone who can do the job for which she was elected.
3. The problem great as usual vocabulary: you should not use the word "freedom" if you do not know the meaning. A woman "free" may choose to pursue a career in television with his ability and his talent or whether it thanks to the skill in making blowjobs ass.
But here there is no choice. Just as beautiful, Berlusconi, Sgarbi and people as they expect that these women do only through road to their beauty and their sexual skills. A woman to her career thanks to a "good idea" has to work hard and get slaughtered twice and still much less likely to succeed than a woman who instead decided to sell her body. So there is no choice, there is "freedom." There is only sex in exchange for work.
Now, my dear voters bleating "freedom!" Sgarbi think that these things do not know? Of course I know them. And while he says what he says, knows that you are taking the piss. It is you who do not want to understand these things because you refuse to believe that these people do not want one and only your vote to maintain power. For a good time, before you open your mouth and do megaphones, think about a second.
the next.
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