Monday, February 7, 2011

Best Heat Absorbing Material

The fairy cakes ... the fairy cakes: delicious and very easy to do ... The Handfasting

winter not is nothing better than a good cup of steaming tea ... even better if accompanied by some cake magic ...

Because of their shape can resemble a mini-muffin, but are much more soft ... literally melt in your mouth ...

Last night I dabbled a bit in preparing ... and now I give you the recipe that is really easy ...

200 gr. butter
200 gr. sugar 4 eggs

200 gr. di farina con lievito
2 cucchiai di latte

Un piccolo consiglio prima di iniziare : se togliete sia le uova che il burro dal frigorifero diverse ore prima della preparazione, in modo che si trovino a temperatura ambiente, le tortine vi verranno più buone! Altrimenti è meglio ammorbidire un pochino il burro a mano, magari con una forchetta prima di sbatterlo con lo zucchero, o magari metterlo pochi secondi nel microonde.. ma senza farlo fondere!

La preparazione
1. Sbattete il burro con lo zucchero (io I used the food processor) until mixture is creamy, light-colored.

2. Separately, beat the eggs lightly in a bowl and add a little at a time (about one egg at a time) of sugar and butter mixture, mixing well between addition and another.

3. Add half the flour, incorporating hand gently without slamming, then milk and remaining flour.

In a stencil for the panna cotta / crème caramel insert a paper cups (see photo below) and fill it with about a tablespoon dough obtained. It will take about 18/20 cups - There is also affixed to the mold for the Fairy cakes, similar to the muffin (see photo below).
Bake at 180 degrees for 18-20 minutes , depending on whether you have the oven fan or classic, baked, let cool and decorate as desired. If you are a bit ... you can cut it off with a knife, so the glaze does not drip.

Immag1157-1-1-1-1.jpg picture by mariabei
Stencil x panna cotta with paper cups

mold for Fairy Cakes ... if you have the template for the muffins, it can be 12 instead of 18 and leave 2 / 3 more minutes in the oven.

For decoration
One of the most delicious fairy cakes is the infinity of ways you can decorate ... the easiest is with a fast sprinkle of powdered sugar, or a simple glaze: a bag of powdered sugar 125 gr. with about 2 tablespoons of water ... wanting a colored glaze just add a few drops of food coloring for cakes. Mix and apply ...

... and voila! ... is the latest cake! ... other have already disappeared!

photograph picture how to make recipe for fairy cakes
... these are not mine but I'd love to be able to find these tiny fairies ... I took a tour on the web ... but I can not see ...
photograph picture fairy cakes

deliziamoci ... and now with some pictures ...

... scrumptious

Novelty New York Shopping cupcake
... ideal for a birthday ... with shoes, bags and prufumini

cups almost as beautiful as the fairy cakes!

berries cupcake
with a delicious cream with berries ... I'll take this!

chocolate and chocolate and peanuts ...

love hearts cupcake
San Valentino

per maschietti...

novelty pussy galore cupcakes
...per il compleanno del gatto

Flowers Red, Pink, and Orange Wedding cupcake
...per inaugurare la primavera

...con glitter alimentare

...assolutamente suggestive per un matrimonio

...per qualsiasi occasione!
...forse le tortine più versatili mai create!!



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