Thursday, February 24, 2011

Groping In A Japanese Subway

Beatrix Potter ... A remarkable woman!

A woman in a man's world!

Finally I got a book that I waited a long time ... I have not to ncora bed, but I could not resist writing a post about this writer, however, that I like very much.
is not Scottish but the long periods spent in the beautiful Perthshire countryside undoubtedly influenced in part its nice animal tales ...
many of you ... will know ...

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Beatrix Potter (1866-1941), English writer and illustrator

I admire those who fight for their rights ... against all, if necessary. Miss Potter was one of those. Born in London in the second half of the 800 in a middle class family very conservative, was not allowed to continue their studies, because in those years, for women, it was important to know the label, how to run the house ...

But Miss Potter was not totally agree ... she wanted to write great ... and thanks to its great determination he succeeded!

Beatrix, 15, with his dog Spot

was raised by a Scottish housekeeper, who filled his head with stories of fairies, goblins and witches , and because she was not allowed to attend her friends, spent most of his time with his pets, painting and inventing stories about them.

He enjoyed so much freedom only during the long summer holidays spent in Scotland with his family until the age of 16 years. In these months of freedom and carefree learned to know and depict animals and nature, and certainly drew inspiration from these places for some of his stories, in which small players his clothes, they combine all the colors.

Peter Rabbit first edition 1902a.jpg

The Flopsy Bunnies - Copyright©Frederick Warne & Co., 1909, 2002

His most famous character is Peter Rabbit , "Peter Rabbit", one of his closest playmates. This story comes in the form of private letter, written by her in 1893 while on holiday in Scotland, and sent to the sick son of his housekeeper.

This spurred the same housekeeper for its publication as a book, which she did, several years later, also underwritten the costs of the first edition of 250 copies, as his book did not interest any publisher. Then through some accidental circumstances managed to find a publisher willing to publish it and from there began his career as a writer. It was 1902. After the first story, followed by others 22.
The fish, practically in the frog's lap, is jumping back into the water.
Most of his characters are inspired by her pets ... rabbits, hedgehogs, mice, lizards, frogs, bats etc.. Others are inspired by "people" known to her ... like that of Mrs. Tiggywinkle, inspired by a washerwoman of Dalguise House, the estate where he lived when he visited Scotland.

Miss Tiggywinkle

He fell in love, reciprocated, its publisher ... but her parents opposed fortemente a questa sua relazione con un uomo che "lavorasse"... loro erano ereditieri... e allora Beatrix accolse un loro ultimatum, nel quale accettò di allontanarsi da lui per un periodo di prova, e una volta rientrata a Londra, se fosse stata ancora innamorata, poteva a quel punto sposarsi con tutta la loro benedizione. La sfortuna volle che lui si ammalò durante questa sua assenza e purtroppo morì...

Dopo aver superato questo periodo difficile, e grazie ai soldi guadagnati con la vendita dei suoi libri, lasciò gli agi della sfarzosa dimora di famiglia a Londra e si stabilì in un delizioso cottage, "Hill Top" nel Lake District. Qui, per i next 30 years, in addition to writing, he fought for the preservation of nature, buy countless land (less than 14 farms and 4000 acres of land) that have risked falling into the hands of unscrupulous manufacturers ... then that land bequeathed to the National Trust, an organization that is dedicated to the supervision of cultural and environmental heritage of Britain.

addition to managing its properties, it became a 'clever Herdwick sheep, award-winning exhibitions and the first woman to be appointed president of the Herdwick Sheep Breeders . He also performed as competition judge at various events farm, and became an expert in mycology (Study of fungi), his passion since his youth, and discover important innovations with regard to lichens.

So in an era when women's role was to carry out tasks inside the house, especially women, Beatrix Potter has broken all the rules, failing to break into a masculine world, and earning more widely respect and admiration of men!

His stories are aimed at young readers, but also very much like the great ... simple story that inspired you to think.

Peter Rabbit has been translated into 35 languages, with more than 150 million copies sold!

... and if you do not know already, I highly recommend see the movie inspired her ... simply charming! ... c on Renée Zellweger (actress in the role of Beatrix Potter), Ewan McGregor ( Scotland, in the publisher) , Patricia Kerrigan (Scottish governess) and Emily Watson (English, her friend). Set in England and Scotland. The story is partly fictional, but it's definitely worth it ...


Monday, February 21, 2011

Lethal Dose Of Temazepam

L'idiozia del berlusconiano.

Sometimes I happen to watch a video program or a program that deals with politics or events where you and forming a political clash. When, in these programs, I feel the representative of the pdl some shit rave nonsense in defense of an indefensible this concept does not make me nervous because I expected. What makes me feel rather nervous and the audience applaud. So I inaugurate with this post, comments on the video where similar things happen. Whenever possible I'll give you my comment. I wish that one day, someone who represents me to be present in those transmissions to say these things to the people cheering. Sin that for the moment no one represents me.

The video now is this: Listen to the first 3 minutes then go back and read.

Now, what escapes Sgarbi and people shouting "Freedom! Freedom!" in the audience are three simple concepts that I am going to explain below.
1. Beauty is not a problem. If a woman or anyone else wants to do successful exploitation of its natural endowments, that is fine for her / him. No one can criticize a woman who uses her beauty to modeling, just as no one can criticize a man who uses his height to make the basketball player basketball.
But if a woman does not use only the beauty but also its ability to obtain sexual favors and money then it is a professional prostitute and child prostitution and exploitation of prostitution, in Italy, are crimes. Therefore, we clarify the difference: on the one hand there is a beautiful woman who uses her charm to work, the other a woman who does the work for blowjobs. Do not equate things that have nothing to do shit with each other.
2. The samples were brought De Filippi, Loren and Fenech. What are two actresses and a TV presenter. Then three people working in the entertainment world, a world where beauty counts and can be a determining factor. No one can criticize a TV producer who decides to take a girl to do a minor part in a TV series using as a yardstick the beauty of the girl herself.
But if a politician is making a political career for women because "fine" then pisses me off. Because when she is elected, is no longer paid by the policy that has launched, but is paid by me and by you through our taxes. So perhaps Sgarbi appreciates that a politician is incompetent but good-looking, but I did not. I prefer someone who can do the job for which she was elected.
3. The problem great as usual vocabulary: you should not use the word "freedom" if you do not know the meaning. A woman "free" may choose to pursue a career in television with his ability and his talent or whether it thanks to the skill in making blowjobs ass.
But here there is no choice. Just as beautiful, Berlusconi, Sgarbi and people as they expect that these women do only through road to their beauty and their sexual skills. A woman to her career thanks to a "good idea" has to work hard and get slaughtered twice and still much less likely to succeed than a woman who instead decided to sell her body. So there is no choice, there is "freedom." There is only sex in exchange for work.

Now, my dear voters bleating "freedom!" Sgarbi think that these things do not know? Of course I know them. And while he says what he says, knows that you are taking the piss. It is you who do not want to understand these things because you refuse to believe that these people do not want one and only your vote to maintain power. For a good time, before you open your mouth and do megaphones, think about a second.

the next.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Best Heat Absorbing Material

The fairy cakes ... the fairy cakes: delicious and very easy to do ... The Handfasting

winter not is nothing better than a good cup of steaming tea ... even better if accompanied by some cake magic ...

Because of their shape can resemble a mini-muffin, but are much more soft ... literally melt in your mouth ...

Last night I dabbled a bit in preparing ... and now I give you the recipe that is really easy ...

200 gr. butter
200 gr. sugar 4 eggs

200 gr. di farina con lievito
2 cucchiai di latte

Un piccolo consiglio prima di iniziare : se togliete sia le uova che il burro dal frigorifero diverse ore prima della preparazione, in modo che si trovino a temperatura ambiente, le tortine vi verranno più buone! Altrimenti è meglio ammorbidire un pochino il burro a mano, magari con una forchetta prima di sbatterlo con lo zucchero, o magari metterlo pochi secondi nel microonde.. ma senza farlo fondere!

La preparazione
1. Sbattete il burro con lo zucchero (io I used the food processor) until mixture is creamy, light-colored.

2. Separately, beat the eggs lightly in a bowl and add a little at a time (about one egg at a time) of sugar and butter mixture, mixing well between addition and another.

3. Add half the flour, incorporating hand gently without slamming, then milk and remaining flour.

In a stencil for the panna cotta / crème caramel insert a paper cups (see photo below) and fill it with about a tablespoon dough obtained. It will take about 18/20 cups - There is also affixed to the mold for the Fairy cakes, similar to the muffin (see photo below).
Bake at 180 degrees for 18-20 minutes , depending on whether you have the oven fan or classic, baked, let cool and decorate as desired. If you are a bit ... you can cut it off with a knife, so the glaze does not drip.

Immag1157-1-1-1-1.jpg picture by mariabei
Stencil x panna cotta with paper cups

mold for Fairy Cakes ... if you have the template for the muffins, it can be 12 instead of 18 and leave 2 / 3 more minutes in the oven.

For decoration
One of the most delicious fairy cakes is the infinity of ways you can decorate ... the easiest is with a fast sprinkle of powdered sugar, or a simple glaze: a bag of powdered sugar 125 gr. with about 2 tablespoons of water ... wanting a colored glaze just add a few drops of food coloring for cakes. Mix and apply ...

... and voila! ... is the latest cake! ... other have already disappeared!

photograph picture how to make recipe for fairy cakes
... these are not mine but I'd love to be able to find these tiny fairies ... I took a tour on the web ... but I can not see ...
photograph picture fairy cakes

deliziamoci ... and now with some pictures ...

... scrumptious

Novelty New York Shopping cupcake
... ideal for a birthday ... with shoes, bags and prufumini

cups almost as beautiful as the fairy cakes!

berries cupcake
with a delicious cream with berries ... I'll take this!

chocolate and chocolate and peanuts ...

love hearts cupcake
San Valentino

per maschietti...

novelty pussy galore cupcakes
...per il compleanno del gatto

Flowers Red, Pink, and Orange Wedding cupcake
...per inaugurare la primavera

...con glitter alimentare

...assolutamente suggestive per un matrimonio

...per qualsiasi occasione!
...forse le tortine più versatili mai create!!


Friday, February 4, 2011

How To Anonymously Report A Drug Dealer In Ny

... The second part

Ma quali sono le origini dell'handfasting... (Seconda parte)

Torniamo indietro di 800 anni...

L'handfasting nel 1200 consisteva in una Christian engagement ceremony (according to the laws of canon law ) recognized by both church and state. The ritual nature of Celtic, was very similar to that of a marriage, with plenty of witnesses, etc. contract. except that the promises exchanged were expressed as to the future ... es. take you as my wife ...
if they had been handed down to this ... take you ... was a real wedding, and the couple would be married girlfriend instead!

But you have to add that under no obligation to c'cera ceremony itself, the two boys could also decide to get engaged with neither the participants nor rite ... alone ... and their word was enough to make their engagement official!

In 1200 there was still the custom to tie the hands ... handfasting stood for a handshake. fact in medieval Scotland, the agreements were taking shaking hands ... a gesture that was worth more than a signature!

Usually the engagement period lasted one year and one day, over which the two engaged couples could choose to marry or not.

But if, during that period, the engagement was "consumed" , the two boys at that point were considered to have "married" without the need for further wedding!

Otherwise, a ceremony was very similar to that engagement, where the promise was exchanged to the present.

And how for the engagement, the couple could to decide to get married without either a priest or witnesses ... alone in a forest with squirrels as the only guests, and even then, the ritual was considered legal. The Church, however, preferred that the marriage was celebrated before the church (in Scotland in the Middle Ages and not before we got married inside the church) in the presence of a priest, and in the case of marriages "illegal", as above, the priests tried to convince the newly married couple to marry a second time with a traditional wedding ceremony.

When we got married in Scotland medieval was for life ... there is neither divorce nor remarriage, until the Scottish Reformation in 1560.
Prior to this, the husband and wife could stop living together, in short, separated but not divorced. The marriage, however, could be canceled for various reasons ... married too young of age ... the girl with less than 12 years, the boy under 14, or closely related, or that one of the two would be married ... etc..

As I said above, do not know the exact period when it was introduced nell'handfasting, the custom of binding hands of sweethearts with a ribbon tied gently, which allegorically represented the union of the two mutual commitment. Custom then repeated a year and a day later at the wedding (if they had decided to marry), but this time with a closer node, which stood for 's union for life.

Up to 1600 the whole Handfasting was recognized by both church and state, then then only by the state until 1940. Now, since 2004, marriage Handfasting, is considered a civil ceremony in all respects (Recognized by the state).