The story of two brothers, Sam and Tommy. The first is married with two daughters and a successful military career. The second goes in and out of prison. Their life is overturned when Sam is officially declared dead during a mission in Afghanistan.
The film does not shine particularly for technical choices. All is unoriginal and not so exciting. A round of applause they deserve it but Tobey Maguire for a great test of an actor who manages to overshadow even those of Portman and Gyllenhaal and young Bailee Madison, the girl who plays beautifully tormented protagonist.
In conclusion, a nice film that deserves to be taken into account even if, with the story and the cast at his disposal, one would expect much more.
In conclusion, a nice film that deserves to be taken into account even if, with the story and the cast at his disposal, one would expect much more.
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