Sunday, January 24, 2010

Alpinestars Leather Cleaner


After a week of official release, I went to see the latest film from Cameron, and frankly, I am in great difficulty in reviewing it. The problem is that, having already read dozens of reviews praising the revolutionary masterpiece, comparing Post to dozens of other landmarks like Star Wars movie, it's really hard to be objective. For this reason I decided not to be. I will be extremely partly because this movie is not at all like me, and then emphasize especially the negative side.

The story also now know the stones, but to summarize the completeness there: on a planet called Pandora a corporation has found a mineral land of incalculable value. The problem is the native population, called Na'vi, which has one of its main villages on the main field. For this reason, the Corporation initiated the project "Avatar" means a group of scientists led by Dr. Augutine has created beings with inanimate genetic code and part human part alien remote controls to open diplomatic relations with the alien population. Jake Sully, a former marine who lost the use of his legs, after the death of his brother, he unwittingly finds himself involved in the project. Obviously Jake fall in love with the local population and fight against his fellow men to defend the planet.

Avatar The main problem is obvious: not only the story is not original but it is obviously copied from other successful films from Pocahontas to Dances with Wolves, passing dozens of other films in this genre. The plot is so predictable as to arrive to be unintentionally funny in places, especially in characterization, real shapes of cardboard, without personality, with the exception of the protagonist. The ultimate absurdity of the film catches up with the two villains of the story, so much "over the top to look like comic book characters or cartoon.

The classic defense of this criticism is that I've read in many reviews: the plot is easy to be understood by all and that masterpieces such as Star Wars have the same characteristic. But I can not disagree more. Star Wars, although the characters simple and very classic story, set in a setting these two innovative and highly original. Avatar no.
Cameron's Aliens are creatures less "alien" that I've ever seen in a science fiction movie. Besides being visually identical to a mix of men and cats, have rituals, philosophy and behavior that is a mere copy of those of mixed Native Americans to those of other peoples of the third world. The only really original feature developed by Cameron is the fact that to tame the beasts on the planet, the aliens are "connected" to the animals sharing the mind and body. The idea is expected to be expanded, especially in the romantic relationship between the protagonist and the co-star alien. And instead, no! When the two finally come to the point, the effusions that exchange are the most human has ever seen.
But at least the planet, Pandora, is the original? In part, yes, some images, like the night sky, fans shudder. But while others, like the giant tree, know that they have seen and recycled, like everything else.

The only reason I can recommend this film is the visual aspect, as already said a thousand times in billions of reviews, sets a new standard on both side of the 3D CGI. Too bad that, as already happened in Titanic, the entire visual system is not a story just as worthy but just another rewrite of a story already seen a thousand times.

conclusion, if you're not passionate about cinema, and then chances are you do not know the story, consider this film because it is certainly the best telling of this story there is. If you're keen, take a look to enjoy the 3D and CGI, but do not expect anything more than this: the 300 million spent to make this film, not even $ 1 was spent in the script.


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