Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Dulhan Dress Clipart (logo)

In this era of e-mail ...

Ti auguro lettere...

con una calligrafia che riconosci immediatamente...

con una calligrafia che non vedevi da anni...

Ti auguro lettere piene di elogi, piene di incoraggiamenti...

lettere di gratitudine...

e di amore...
Flickr - Judy Scott, artista scozzese

spoiled ... I wish you letters

ink-stained, crooked
written all covered in kisses.
[Pam Brown, poet]

I would not want other letter boxes did this end ...
Plockton, Scotland

so ...
two steps and I'm going to mail some Christmas card ...
Highlands - Flickr

PS The letters in the first two pictures belong to two "pen friends" (pen pals) ... one Scottish and one American, who have never met, but keep in touch for over 40 years of exchanging letters ...

thank Cinzia that indirectly gave me the idea for the post; ^)


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