Sunday, June 20, 2010

Itching Patch Of Small Lumps On Stomach

Nella vecchia fattoria...

Lately Italian animal rights, incited by an article in the newspaper, have unleashed against the Niguarda hospital. What suggests the newspaper known for its rapid-fire and shit, it refuses to repeat the administration of the hospital in Milan, it seems that during a day have been carried out operations on pigs for educational purposes.

Now, I omit volunteered the fact that between the direction of a hospital that saves lives every day and a newspaper whose informational value is often equal to that of toilet paper, would also be stupid to ask who to believe.
omit the fact that vivisection for educational purposes is prohibited by law and so I doubt that the Niguarda just set yourself up to break the law to make a single day of gastrointestinal surgery.
also omit the fact that I have never read an article or saw an animal rights protest against the producers of sausages almost as if, of course, kill a pig to eat is quite different dall'ammazzarlo to learn how to do delicate surgery.
Tralascio tutti questi discorsi e prendo per buono il fatto che "il Giornale" abbia scritto per la prima volta nella sua carriera post-Montanelli, la verità; prendo per buono il fatto che il Niguarda abbia violato la legge; e prendo anche per buono che il comportamento degli animalisti non sia ipocrita.

La mia domanda diventa: e quindi? Dei maiali morti in cambio di qualche chirurgo più esperto e che quindi non rischia di sbagliare mentre opera un bambino. Personalmente lo considero uno scambio più che equo. Anzi, personalmente sterminerei l'intera popolazione suina con una forchetta da olive anche per salvare un vecchio novantenne. Un essere umano, un membro della mia specie, è sempre e comunque superiore, in my eyes, of an animal.
And if all these animals are so shocked and disgusted by the death of a pig, they propose an alternative: instead of writing emails and indignation for thirty seconds from the comfort of your living room, you something useful. You do not want the surgeon experience on the pig? Well. Proponetevi as human guinea pigs. I personally do not care if the surgeon's experience on a pig or your child. So whip out your balls, hippies! Put your children, your parents and yourself under the knife for the welfare of pigs! Or you do not feel that the life of an animal is important only in play when the other side is the life of someone else?

But in the end do not feel offended. Mine is just a senseless provocation. The law, as I said, already exists and will be right. The technology allows you to avoid even this issue is raised at all. So this is just an outburst of a greedy fool. You can skip this article and my return to sign the petitions on Facebook against yet another village in the Third World killing stray dogs. Because in a world where there are still your fellow human beings dying of hunger or diseases or jumping in the air on our own mines, the biggest problem are four dogs.


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Pusooy Cheerleader Party Part 2 Forum


Dopo sei anni, dopo che finalmente la storia è finita, eccomi qua a fare un breve commento su Lost. Moltissimi hanno parlato di questa serie per insultarla o per esaltarla. Personalmente ho solo da dire una cosa: Lost rappresenta solo l'ultimo esempio di prodotto cinematografico e televisivo dell'ultima generazione in cui, storia e sceneggiatura vengono messi da parte in favore di valore commerciale.

Moltissimi fan di Lost protesteranno dicendo che Lost invece ha un significato profondo. Beh, ho atteso il finale prima di parlare e fortunatamente, con la "sorpresa finale" Abrams e soci mi hanno reso la critica anche più facile. 
The latest episode shows how the entire history of this issue is only the characters and their history and evolution. Then the whole story of Lost can be summed up in this single sentence: "a dozen people with personal problems encountered by chance, solve their problems, die and be happy together in the afterlife." Fine. The island, Jacob, the black smoke monster, the Dharma, and any other matter, or not explained, were merely narrative devices to force us to watch the show for six years. Everything could be set in an empty room and the whole "message" would not be changed in any way.
But the end brings us also to understand what has Lost made famous: the characters. between good and charismatic actors with a long and extensive background, the series has meant that all remained glued to the screen, explanations or not.

But knowing how to define the characters, have a cast of exceptional actors, just ? No. Unfortunately not. The film is also the art of story-telling of a story that knows how to entertain and excite. And surely if the actors of Lost engage in an exemplary way to get emotions from even the most cliché scenes like the final embrace, the writers show total unwillingness to write a complete story. Lost's characters constantly face problems lanciatigli against them without reason and without any logical conclusion that these are, so that even the characters are often forced to act completely irrational and silly just to send the story forward. History which, as already mentioned, among blacks smoke, trap doors, time travel and a thousand other crap, really serves no purpose if not to compel viewers to watch the sequel too. As the only thing that matters is the introspective journey of the characters.

To conclude therefore, strongly advise against all travel to address this very long and dull. If you want to watch a story just as chaotic but a billion times deeper and you will think 100 times more than the same time without burning Lost, watch Donnie Darko or even a film of Lynch.

the next.