Censura. There are about two weeks that I rate whether to publish or not publish this post. Not so much because I did not clear what to say but it might be seen as an insult. But in the end I thought that if I censor my post on censorship, I would feel hypocritical than that idiot. So here I am.
As you know all the censorship affects the art ever since. Whenever an idea is censored, the head of the censorship attempts to explain why in a rational and balanced. And each time it is just a river of shit to hide the real reason: The complaint is an act of violence that is born only and only by ignorance and cowardice of those who carry it.
But there are rare cases, although lately more frequent, in which the complaint is wearing a different dress and disguised as respect. Because when the art or the simple touch on difficult subjects individual freedom becomes very easy to confuse opinion, a criticism or a joke for an insult. And in the name of tolerance and respect is censorship.
E 'happened again a few days ago that the challenge from Comedy Central cartoon South Park, after receiving death threats for having joked with Muhammad. I was amazed at the behavior of Trey Parker and Matt Stone, two people who have never been afraid to address difficult issues. But, leaving aside their choice, I want to focus on the reason for the complaint: the mockery of the Muslim Prophet.
I remember as a child when my parents told me not to play with the saints, to take religion seriously as sacred. But at the same time I also taught to think without preconceptions, to not take anything for granted, to be curious. But questions arise from curiosity, questions arise criticisms and criticisms are born teasing.
When freedom becomes an insult? Maybe you should set limits?
In my opinion, no, never.
Freedom of speech is one of the greatest achievements of man and should never be limited. Even when this freedom allows someone to offend or disrespect other people. In fact, the concept of "offense" is extremely subjective, especially when it concerns a religion or a concentration of dogmas and philosophies that profoundly affect the lives of those who believe.
If I say that, for me, all religions are just a bunch of silly philosophies stunted created for the most part at a time when man did not even know what was the solar system and inevitably simplistic and childish, mixed with rules Medieval created simply to keep the same company and create a vehicle of power to the caste of scammers, it is an insult or an opinion you are free to give?
If I say that, for me, a person following a religion does nothing but hurt himself and voluntarily limit their growth potential and that, teaching the same beliefs and superstitions of his son, by a violence comparable to rape, is an insult or an opinion you are free to give?
If I say that, for me, because there are no moderates, if they existed, moderate Muslims would be the first to denounce Muslims who blow themselves up in the name of a god who does not even have ever seen and that they have nothing but pain and suffering throughout life, and the moderate Catholics were the first to fight for a secular state and to stop those who would change the laws to enforce its dogmas at all like a damned theocracy, is an insult or an opinion you are free to give?
If I say that, for me, a deity who threatens her children not to grow, not to improve, not to work, to remain stupid life, because you have to do as the "lilies of the field" penalty as a punishment Babel or the expulsion from Eden, is a horrible and monstrous deity who wants children and the elderly died of starvation deaths from pneumonia, is an insult or an opinion you are free to give?
If I say that, for me, a religion that exalts the subjugation of women and martyrdom and suffering as purification is a philosophy that only a sadist would teach a child, is an insult or an opinion you are free to give?
Finally, if I say that, for me, because humanity is barely able to see a part of the universe and to visit a village even smaller and exists only by a tiny fraction of even the lifetime of the planet where she was born, claim to know with certainty the existence of a creator and even claim to be able to speak to us in prayer and meditation is arrogant and presumptuous, if not crazy, or is an insult ' review that are free to give?
It is probably easier and better to accept that there are no injuries but only opinions? Because the force ed il fascino della libertà di parola sta proprio in questo: io posso affermare questo, posso perfino bestemmiare Allah, Jahvè o qualsiasi altra divinità ma facendo questo, sono obbligato ad accettare che la stessa libertà la abbiano tutti e che quindi anche un religioso possa insultare me o il mio agnosticismo. Ed io voglio mostrare il mio rispetto e la mia tolleranza difendendo questa libertà, non censurando le mie idee o la mia arte.
Ma mi rendo anche conto che questa stessa forza è ciò che terrorizza i censori. Perché se tutti avessimo lo stesso potere, a resistere, ad attecchire, non sarebbe più l'idea che ha dietro di sé il sostegno del tiranno di turno, ma quella semplicemente più sensata. Ed i censori non possono il rischio perché significherebbe dover confrontarsi con domande difficili e terrificanti di cui hanno già ottenuto una delle tante comode e precompilate risposte. Meglio continuare con i propri riti ed accettare l'oscuramento di qualsiasi cosa possa obbligarci a guardare un'opinione differente. La fede in fondo, deve essere salda come una roccia, chiunque minacci di farla vacillare seppellitecelo sotto.
Alla prossima.
P.s.: alcuni di voi sanno che questo sarebbe dovuto essere il mio primo videolog. Purtroppo, causa la mia enorme pesantezza di sedere, non ho avuto tanto tempo (o voglia) di stare a configurare la videocamera e giochicchiarci un po' per fare editing video. E non volevo far marcire il post nella mia mail per mesi in attesa mi venisse voglia. :-)