I state that I normally do not watch but Sanremo on Saturday, after finishing a long game of Doom the Boardgame emerge penosamente sconfitto, ho pensato potesse essere divertente guardare giusto il finale di Sanremo. Dopo ho dato un'occhiata (o meglio, un'ascoltata) anche alle canzoni eliminate. Due pensieri veloci a proposito delle canzoni:
la canzone di Povia ha, senza sorprese, una melodia ridicola ed un testo che si riassume in "la verità assoluta non la sa nessuno a parte naturalmente me che sono Povia e sono un figo e quindi so anche cosa pensano i morti". E pensare che c'è gente che lo definisce il "nuovo De André". Prima anche di imparare a scrivere musica dovrebbe imparare l'umiltà.
In compenso Simone Cristicchi è sempre più bravo e la sua canzone era l'unica cosa decente uscita da Sanremo.
Obviously I avoid commenting on goats monotonal friends that continues to expel ruining the panorama of Italian music or the painful trios composed of elderly singers, tenors and principles unknown in search of attention.
But apart from the songs, I also have a couple of thoughts about the festival in general. If
Bonolis as artistic director with San Remo had become watchable, now it's back to the pitiful standard of previous years. I do not know the other bets, but the piece that I saw, including orchestral versions of songs for children and police bands playing the theme from Star Wars (see who was playing I would expect the best Imperial March), the artistic director, appeared in the hands of an elderly acid. But in addition to
entr'actes painful, I was amazed to watch the 10 minutes given to Maurizio Costanzo that plunged the program level even lower. The frenzy began with a live interview of three workers in Termini Imerese so excited that did not even say their name without stuttering. Leaving aside that you could easily record the interviews so as to better understand the problem the crisis without the emotional curtain stupid to be outlines Maria de Filippi, I find it brilliant as Costanzo then continued, giving the floor to Scajola Bersani and the public. The first was unable to say just two things that a group of hooligans Berlusconi (two words that are synonymous in reality: a supporter of Berlusconi can not rely on reasonable arguments have to shout and talk in slogans) started to cackle like crazed monkeys. What he said is acceptable, however, summarized in the "if Fiat does not reside at the table with the unions, the three workers with their colleagues can only hope for a future career appeared weeping in junk programs like this." The second one threw up the classic slogan summarized the usual bland three basic concepts that these monkeys do not think Berlusconi would be able to understand completely:
- the government can do something only with the help of the opposition. Quindi il governo da solo non è capace di far nulla. Non mi stupisce essendo formato da vallette, leccaculo e pubblicitari. Quando c'è un problema l'idiota chiede agli altri come risolverlo, la velina risponde "ballando!" ed il pubblicitario propone di colorare tutto di azzurro;
- il problema è della crisi. Quindi qualsiasi problema economico prima era dovuto all'euro, poi all'"eredità del governo Prodi", ora alla crisi. Insomma, il loro lavoro pare non influenzare in alcun modo l'andamento dell'economia. Suggerisco di eleggere dei lombrichi la prossima volta a questo punto. Così non dobbiamo neanche pagarli.
- bisogna risolvere il problema di Termini Imerese in modo "moderno". Quindi senza sindacati. Then sending away the workers to kick ass. So how are you doing now. So Scajola or an idiot or very clever because he virtually said to the workers' succhiatemi cock "but he took the applause.
Fortunately Clerici intervened thus shortening the theater of propaganda to the emperor.
Everything so painful? No. Some things are positive. For example, the proclamation of the trio that would be challenged to win you have raised so much controversy that next year I hope to be finally decided to vote only in the hands of experts. The popular vote will only lower the quality of everything gradually and continuously until not only will the garbage.
you also tell me what you think in the comments. Until next time.