Sunday, March 16, 2008
Saturday, March 15, 2008
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Saturday, March 1, 2008
X19 Super Pocket Bike For Sale
Concorso di idee per il logo istituzionale della III Circoscrizione "Città Vecchia-Borgo" del Comune di Taranto
Progetto: Marzo 2008
2nd place
The basic idea which has underpinned the project proposal is its simplicity and immediate identification of the institutional logo. Few concepts but highly symbolic.
The logo / emblem of the third district will be able to summarize in a quick glance the characteristics of two districts of the city so different but so are strongly linked and correlated.
A bridge between the Old Town and the Village synthesized with a handshake.
A handshake between the two sides of the fairway, a friendly and supportive meeting between the two districts that become a single constituency. Two parts of the city that lends a hand each other for their mutual growth.
In this symbolic bridge flowing waters of the fairway. These waters, which for decades have been the scene of uninterrupted passage of military vessels departing or returning from combat missions, now with the stain color of peace, becoming waters of reconciliation between peoples.
Below the graphic part stands the inscription "III District Old Town-Village."
The logo / emblem comes in four versions to be applied in various contexts.
Logo white background, black background logo, logos, background color, logo black background color.
Possibilità applicative:
Il logo è applicabile su ogni supporto. E’ applicabile sia su manifesti o locandine in quadricromia così come per la sua realizzazione in fase di stampa è possibile usare anche solo un colore. Il suo ridimensionamento non altera la sua capacità comunicativa.
Applicabile tranquillamente su carta intestata a colori così come su copertina per fax.
E’ possibile anche solo estrapolare i due elementi grafici (stretta di mano e onde) isolandoli per riorganizzare il testo istituzionale secondo le proprie necessità grafiche.