tables submitted for the competition
The dream of a whale ...
Design Competition: September 2007
Project in collaboration with Michael Petrelli, Visual artist
Can a dream turned into a nightmare, go back to being imaginative, even visionary, a way of seeing the area?
In a fantasy landscape, almost cemetery, where everything is still, still, the dream vision of the skeleton of a whale stranded on the coast symbolizes the failure of a dream industry that has transformed the area from rural scenzario beautiful image of decadent choices wicked ...
our proposal.
a structure out of scale size purposely not hiding, not camouflaged, but to accentuate dominates the image of the tiny dock, to make an element of steel roof e vetro. Un grande belvedere, rappresentato dalle pinne della balena, guarda verso il mare aperto in segno di speranza verso il futuro.
Il manifesto del concorso
29.09.2007. Alcune immagini della serata di inaugurazione della mostra a Lamezia Terme
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